Title: /dpa Cr2dpa4_2_30_8
Browse item: https://iochem-bd.urv.es:443/browse/handle/100/544
Program: Molcas 8.0 - service pack 1
Author: Spivak, Mariano
Formula: C 40 H 32 Cr 2 N 12
Calculation type: Single point
Method: CASSCF

Atomic coordinates [Å]

Atom x y z basis set
TYPE (primitive) / [contracted]



Rotation around the z-axis

Character Table for C2

Charge 0.000
Multiplicity 9


Multipole Moment integrals up to order 2
Kinetic Energy integrals
Nuclear Attraction integrals (point charge)
One-Electron Hamiltonian integrals
Relativistic Douglas-Kroll-Hess integrals:
- Parametrization : EXP
- DKH order of Hamiltonian: 2
- DKH order of Properties : 0
- multipole moment operators
- electric potential operators
- contact operators
Atomic mean-field integrals
Cholesky decomposed two-electron repulsion integrals
- CD Threshold: 0.10E-07

Bond distances

Atom1 Atom2 Distance
Cr1 Cr2 2.300000
Cr1 N45 2.112832
Cr1 N3 2.112832
Cr1 N47 2.091574
Cr1 N5 2.091574
Cr2 N50 2.112905
Cr2 N8 2.112905
Cr2 N6 2.091609
Cr2 N48 2.091609
N3 C13 1.379083
N3 C9 1.352433
N4 C65 1.363249
N4 C61 1.340341
N5 C65 1.379491
N5 C66 1.361067
N6 C14 1.379450
N6 C13 1.360995
N7 C14 1.363291
N7 C18 1.340339
N8 C24 1.379101
N8 C28 1.352445
C9 C10 1.385650
C9 H29 1.087017
C10 C11 1.404462
C10 H30 1.087156
C11 C12 1.383404
C11 H85 1.089747
C12 C13 1.421429
C12 H31 1.084858
C14 C15 1.416607
C15 C16 1.389095
C15 H32 1.086289
C16 C17 1.401809
C16 H44 1.089899
C17 C18 1.394067
C17 H33 1.088223
C18 H34 1.091709
C19 C20 1.394109
C19 N46 1.340341
C19 H40 1.091645
C20 C21 1.401797
C20 H39 1.088191
C21 C22 1.389100
C21 H41 1.089927
C22 C23 1.416633
C22 H38 1.086285
C23 N47 1.379491
C23 N46 1.363249
C24 C25 1.421451
C24 N47 1.361067
C25 C26 1.383397
C25 H37 1.084841
C26 C27 1.404450
C26 H42 1.089785
C27 C28 1.385663
C27 H36 1.087207
C28 H35 1.087008
H43 C53 1.089747
N45 C55 1.379083
N45 C51 1.352433
N48 C56 1.379450
N48 C55 1.360995
N49 C56 1.363291
N49 C60 1.340339
N50 C66 1.379101
N50 C70 1.352445
C51 C52 1.385650
C51 H71 1.087017
C52 C53 1.404462
C52 H72 1.087156
C53 C54 1.383404
C54 C55 1.421429
C54 H73 1.084858
C56 C57 1.416607
C57 C58 1.389095
C57 H74 1.086289
C58 C59 1.401809
C58 H86 1.089899
C59 C60 1.394067
C59 H75 1.088223
C60 H76 1.091709
C61 C62 1.394109
C61 H82 1.091645
C62 C63 1.401797
C62 H81 1.088191
C63 C64 1.389100
C63 H83 1.089927
C64 C65 1.416633
C64 H80 1.086285
C66 C67 1.421451
C67 C68 1.383397
C67 H79 1.084841
C68 C69 1.404450
C68 H84 1.089785
C69 C70 1.385663
C69 H78 1.087207
C70 H77 1.087008



Wave function specification

Number of closed shell electrons 396
Number of electrons in active shells 8
Max number of holes in RAS1 space 0
Max nr of electrons in RAS3 space 0
Number of inactive orbitals 198
Number of active orbitals 8
Number of secondary orbitals 562
Spin quantum number 4.0
State symmetry 1
Total molecular charge 0.00

Orbital specifications

Symmetry species 1 2
a b
Frozen orbitals 0 0
Inactive orbitals 99 99
Active orbitals 4 4
RAS1 orbitals 0 0
RAS2 orbitals 4 4
RAS3 orbitals 0 0
Secondary orbitals 285 277
Deleted orbitals 0 0
Number of basis functions 388 380

CI expansion specifications

Number of determinants 1
Number of root(s) required 1
CI roots used / Weights
Highest root included in the CI 1
Root passed to geometry opt. 1


Root Total energy (au) ∆E (eV) ∆E (cm-1)
1 -4286.783170 0.00 0

Wave functions / Weights of the most important CSFs

Conf 1111 2222 1

Natural Occupation numbers

Active orbitals

Symmetry 1 1
100a 1.000000
101a 1.000000
102a 1.000000
103a 1.000000

Symmetry 2 1
100b 1.000000
101b 1.000000
102b 1.000000
103b 1.000000

Electrostatic moments



Dipole moment [Debye]


Quadrupole moment [Debye**Ang]


Population analysis

LoProp Charges

Mulliken atomic charges

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